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# monamour free software no download is an easy to use utility that allows you to manipulate the picture elements of monochrome scanner images. You can use this utility to create your own coloured work, remove color defects from the monochrome image, convert it into greyscale, increase brightness or contrast level. The utility also offers various options for cropping and drawing portions of your scanned pictures. It is very simple in usage with only a few key presses needed for each action. All you have to do is select your desired option by pressing one of the keys on the keyboard provided with the program and click "start". The result will be saved in an intermediate file with extension ". RAW". You can then use any other image viewing program to view, convert or print the result. This program comes in handy for users who have flash memory cards with very little memory but with a high resolution. It is also useful when you have scan images in which colors are not properly reproduced or are too dark, so you need to adjust brightness and contrast levels. The utility also lets you rotate monochrome images 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise without losing quality of the image. Supported operating systems are Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003 Server. # com/site/monamour2005free13/monamour-2005-free-download com/site/monamour2005free13/monamour-2005-free-download https://www.virustotal. eccc085e13